From what I've seen, from what I've seen - because I don't see them all, I have to give first place to Andale. Very nice black tops with black lettering and outlined in gold, with white pants and a black hat. Very classic. Now a lot of people would say, "Ew, too much black - they aren't the freakin' Raiders!" I get it, but they made it work and it looked really sharp against Great Bend. It also helped because they beat the Panthers as the lower seed - 

For not so great looking uniforms, I have to give it to Hays' Golden Rod jerseys. I like the attempt at using an off-color for tops but the yellow is too much, when it should be gold or something darker, considering their colors are Maroon and Gold. 

Their Home shirts are classic white with maroon striping on the sleeves, with "INDIANS" in cursive across the chest. Very Nice. But I wasn't digging the yellow. But they win in yellow, so it can't all be bad. 

On the ladies side, which I really have no business commenting on, TMP pulled the BCS move and brought next years uni's out during the playoffs. Very feminine in design, with a tank top style of top and they went against the traditional pants, opting for shorts and knee high navy blue socks.

Their old uniforms, or the ones they used for the past two seasons, traditional white button down tops with "TMP" across the front and blue pants and socks. Looked solid, especially when they added the blue cleats. Sharp.

Best accessory goes to Hoisington's Kayci Boxberger and her big green, shield sunglasses. Their colors are red and black but the green did it for me. They were sweet. Unfortunately, they didn't help her on the mound the day I saw her. Hoisington lost to Lyons, 9-2.

I'll be at state this weekend, so I will see a lot more uniforms, so this list will have to get updated.